The legend of the Hassayampa River as it runs through Wickenburg, Arizona, has it that if you drink from the river’s waters you will never tell the truth again. There, of course, are some caveats and loopholes some weak-kneed people may use to claim the curse will not affect them, but it does–they may be lying, however.
Hassayampa River, Wickenburg, Az.
At any rate, it was not people who went into the desert merely to write it up who invented the fabled Hassayampa, of whose waters, if any drink, they can no more see fact as naked fact, but all radiant with the color of romance. I, who must have drunk of it in my twice seven years’ wanderings, am assured that it is worthwhile.
The legend of the Hassayampa River — The Hassayampa rises in Yavapai county on the northern slope of Mount Union- flows south and enters Gila River at Powers Butte in Maricopa county. It is said to be named by Pauline Weaver and to mean–beautiful waters. One legend says–He who drinks above the trail is ever truthful – While he who drinks below is lost to the truth.
The Hassayampa Legend -Andrew Downing
There’s a legend centuries old By the early Spaniards told Of a sparkling stream that “lies” Under the Arizona skies Hassayampa is its name And the title of its fame Is a wondrous quality Known today from sea to sea Those who drink it’s waters bright Red man, white man, boor or Knight Girls, or women, boys or men Never tell the truth again!