“… Then I walked out of the bar room Couldn’t even turn around I guess I know what they were going to do I knew what was going down It’s not a long way from the dance floor to the dark of the parking lot It’s kinda like love but it’s not.”
~ Kinda Like Love – Molly Hatchet
Ben the lizard perches upon his boulder puffing and pushing in the mid-morning sun hoping to attract an attractive lizard lady.Ben spies the beautiful Paula along the ridge. Overcome with his little lizard emotions, he hesitates for an instant … she disappears. But, … he wants her.Paula slips behind Ben, brushing his tail ever-so-lightly to tease and vex him.He is teased and vexed, so, her plan is working. She has captured his interest, and he follows– He is a tool.Paula titillates Ben and toys with his tiny little lizard heartstrings.Ben, with his eyes blurred with lascivious lust, lost his luscious lizard lady in a blink of all four of his little lizard eyelids.Ben looks and looks again and again. He can smell the excellent fragrance of her seasonal readiness. They both have needs.There is a flicker of shadow in the slice of sunlight between the granite boulders. He asks himself, “is that her?” “Could it be?” She certainly is pungent.“Peek-a-boo,” her teeny lizard voice calls out to Ben in their little lizard language that only little lizards in lizard love can hear.Paula holds still while wholly swollen Ben creeps carefully and kind of creepily toward her. He excretes his musk as dirty, dry, crystals of salt from his excreter thing and cautiously edges toward her.“This is it! This is really happening!” Ben’s teensy little lizard heart is pounding as they slip into the shadows to “do the deed.” There is a rustling in the leaves and rubble…Their hot and heavy sexual activity finishes considerably sooner than they both anticipated–Ben just couldn’t seem to concentrate. Paula left shortly thereafter to go find bugs with her friends. Ben is spent and does one last, exhausted pushup with the sun on his back before taking a long, well-earned nap.